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Command line basics

CLI installation

At the moment you need Go to install the OpenOrch CLI:

go install

CLI usage

Assuming the daemon is running already (see this section about that), you can interact with it through the CLI.

Let's add the local environment first:

$ oo env add local
$ oo env ls
* local

After this you you need to log in:

$ oo login openorch
Enter password:
$ oo whoami
slug: openorch
id: usr_eH9mXKgmb0
- user-svc:admin

Let's make a GET call:

$ oo get /config-svc/config

Or a POST call:

$ oo post /user-svc/users
"users": [

"id": "usr_e9WSYwjRuL",
"createdAt": "2024-12-06T20:51:38.062985Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-12-06T20:51:38.062985Z",
"name": "Proxy Service",
"slug": "proxy-svc",
"contacts": [
"createdAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Or a POST call with some request body parameters:

$ oo post /secret-svc/encrypt --value=hey
"value": "UsoGq6VCa0+89pzIPhgU49kgoL0p/3jc90IsOR/8ldk="

Here we should talk a bit about how CLI flags get mapped to request bodies.

CLI flag to request body mapping

When doing POST, PUT and DELETE queries, CLI flags can be turned into multilevel JSON request bodies, such as this:

$ oo post /secret-svc/encrypt --value=hey

Is roughly equivalent to the pseudocurl

curl -XPOST -H "Auth..." $ADDR/secret-svc/encrypt -d '{"value": "hey"}'

Similarly, dot . and dash - delimiters get turned into a multidimensional JSON:

$ oo post /secret-svc/encrypt --value-text=hey
# turns into
"value": {
"text": "hey"
$ oo post /secret-svc/encrypt --value.text=hey
# turns into
"value": {
"text": "hey"
$ oo post /secret-svc/encrypt --valueText=hey
# turns into
"valueText": "hey"