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Running Locally

The easiest way to run OpenOrch is to use Docker Compose.

Docker Compose

The easiest way to run this is to clone the repo, step into the repo root and run:

git clone
cd singulatron
docker compose up
# or use the -d flag to run it in the background
# docker compose up -d

The docker-compose-yaml in the root folder is designed to build and run the current code. For a more production ready Docker Compose file see the Docker Compose page.

Once it's running

After the containers successfully start, you can go to and log in with the Default Credentials.

Natively (Go & Angular)

If you have both Go and Angular installed on your computer, the easiest way to dip your feet into OpenOrch is to run things locally.


cd localtron;
go run main.go


cd desktop/workspaces/angular-app/;
npm run start

Once it's running

After the both the backend and frontend starts, you can go to and log in with the Default Credentials.


Local files

By default OpenOrch uses the folder ~/.openorch on your machine for config, file downloads and for the local database.

Config file

cat ~/.openorch/config.yaml


This file contains all the local downloads on a node. Losing is file is not a big deal as downloaded files are detected even if this file or the entry in this file is missing.


Data files

By default OpenOrch uses local gzipped json files to store database entries. Data access across OpenOrch is interface based so the this implementation can be easily swapped out for PostgreSQL and other database backends.

The files are located at

ls ~/.openorch/data

Each file is prefixed by the owner service slug, so the User Svc users table becomes userSvcUsers.

If you want to view the contents of a file:

cat ~/.openorch/data/ | gzip -dc

# or if you jave jq installed
cat ~/.openorch/data/ | gzip -dc | jq